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​Kimio Nosaka




東京新聞主催文化庁後援全国舞踊コンクール創作部門第1位 文部大臣奨励賞。


'75' 文化庁芸術家派遣在外研修員。



​'76 野坂公夫ダンスワークス設立。坂本信子と共に主宰。

'78~‛80 再度渡米、その間ニューヨーク及びワシントンD.C.にて公演する。

'87 カンパニー名称をダンスワークスと改める。




現在 一般社団法人 現代舞踊協会理事長

   芸術家会議常任幹事 新国立劇場評議員


   他 数か所のコンクール審査員

​   文化庁新進芸術家海外研修員選考委員等を勤める。

Kimio Nosaka was born and grew up in Tokyo, Japan.

He received his BA in Economics from the Sophia University.
He started studying ballet from the age of twenty. He received the special award for new dancer at Contemporary Dance Association,


the first prize at the All Japan Dance Competition for Contemporary Dance category, Dance Critics Association Award,and EGUCHI TAKAYA Prize, which is the highest award in Japan.


1975 Chosen as one of trainees to study abroad by the Agency for Cultural Affairs of the Japanese Government and spent a year in the U.S.

1976 Founded Kimio Nosaka Dance Works with Nobuko Sakamoto

1977 Nasaka has gone to study again with Nobuko. Because Nobuko Sakamoto chosen as one of trainees to study abroad by the Agency for Cultural Affairs of the Japanese Government and spent two years in New York.
    They made guest appearances in some companies in New York and Washington DC.

1 987 Renamed Kimio Nosaka Dance Works to Dance Works.

  70' Invited by numerous companies as a male contemporary dancer mastered artsports techniques with unique body expressions.
  80' His Company quickly grew to be recognized as one of Japan' s most influential contemporary dance companies with innovative direction, always encouraging and challenging its dancers to explore its unique world of Post Modern.
  90’His work has been enthusiastically embraced by audiences,presenters and critics the world over.

Nosaka has enjoyed a remarable career as a perfomer,choreographer,teacher,director and producer of dance since founded his company.


​Nobuko Sakamoto




社団法人 現代舞踊協会新人賞受賞。

'78~'80 二年間文化庁芸術家派遣在外研修員、及び日米交換留学生としてニューヨークに学び、ナディーヌ・レヴィン、マージョリー・マスマンに師事。その間コレオグラファーズ・ショーケースに参加。また、ニューヨークダンスフェスティバルにゲスト出演したのをはじめとして、ケネディーセンター(ワシントンD.C.)ジャパンハウス(ニューヨーク)等で公演を行い、ニューヨークタイムズ、デイリーニュース、その他ダンス専門誌に大きく取り上げられ好評を博す。

'80 帰国しダンスワークスを夫とともに再開する。



現在 東京新聞主催文化庁後援全国舞踊コンクール現代舞踊ジュニア部審査員​。他にもコンクール審査員を勤める。

Sakamoto was born and raised in Tokyo.
She graduated from the Shirayuri Women's College majored in literature.
She studied modern ballet at Masao Hirata Modern Ballet Studio from early childhood.
She was a leading dancer and an instructor Hirata Modern Ballet Studio by1979.
She was awarded first prize at the All Japan Dance Competition for junior categoy,Contemporary Dance categoy and award for teacher.

New Dancer's Award from the Japan Contemporary Dance Associatio and some more awards.

She was chosen as one of trainees to study abroad by the Agency for Cultural Affairs of the Japanese Govementand spent two years from 1978 to 1980 in New York .
She made guest appearances including Choreographers Showcase hosted by Dance Theater Workshop(DTW)with Nosaka's piece titled Twilight and was invited to the New York Dance Festival to perform Twilight.

The leading newspapers,such as New York Times,Daily News,praised her lyrical and beautiful sensitive dance.

Sakamoto has enjoyed a remarkable career as a performer,choreographer,teacher,director and producer of dance since returned to Japan from NewYork. She has been invited to many leading companies as a guest dancer.
Sakamoto has been teaching numerous students from children to adults since 1974 at her company.

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